Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What's this, still Christmas?

Yes, Virginia there is a Christmas past 12/25. Since the earliest days of the church Christmas was/is a season, not simply a day. Dec. 25 is the beginning of Christmas, not the end. The Christmas season lasts for 12 days, ending on Epiphany. Epiphany is a season that remembers the epiphanies of Jesus, his showing through, as God among us. St. John the Forerunner was the first to recognize Jesus, John lept in his mother's womb when Mary walked in the room. The Wise Men were the first non-Jews to recognize Jesus; but I digress. I wonder when we decided to celebrate Christmas from a season before 12/25 to a season after? I know I'm a liturgical fuss-budget, but why rush Christmas to be over? Doesn't Hallmark have much to gain in Advent cards? Actually, I think Advent and Lent are pretty much impervious to sentimental expression, don't see too many Precious Moments Advent figures (maybe the doe-eyed thing looking down as he walks east?) Anyway, I ramble. I hope all had a prayerful Advent that had protracted silence to think, and I hope you have a joyous Christmas until January 6!

Here's a great song from the Nightmare Before Christmas,

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