Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Honey Moon...

Well, it's starting to feel like work. The classes are ramping up, papers are due, there are several other deadlines, and we are encouraged (is strongly welcomed a phrase yet?) to attend chapel at least six times a week. My personal goal is 8 times a week, because I've been a part of low church for so long I feel I need to go, just for the liturgy. The School of Theology offers three services a day: Morning Prayer, Noon Eucharist (full-on church with Communion), and Evening Prayer.

For the past two days, the last thing I needed for my time management was to go take a break for 45 minutes and go to church. But it is always an exceedingly healing activity for me. I'll need to remember this when things get really hairy. During orientation the Dean talked about the importance of physical health and how it can be maintained even in crisis, it is the same for our spirits, we need spiritual exercise, so we can weather this life. The truth, church is work. At the Eucharist, we meet God's past,present, and future, face to face. Why wouldn't it be work?

BTW, the photo is of Bede Griffiths, visonary monk, who knew something about spiritual exercise and discipline; and, apropos of nothing here is a quote of his to chew on: We're now being challenged to create a theology which would use the findings of modern science and eastern mysticism which, as you know, coincide so much, and to evolve from that a new theology which would be much more adequate.

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