Thursday, January 24, 2013

Paul study for 1/25/13

Tomorrow is the Feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul. Let's begin our look at Paul and the Law. Let these questions serve as a guide to your discussion, as I will not be there due to annual convention.

1.) What are your thoughts of the Law, that is, the Old Testament Laws including the 10 Commandments?

2.) what do you think Paul thought of the Law? Read Phil. 3:4-6.

3.) summarize Paul's thoughts on the Law in these passages: Romans 13:8-10, 5:14, 7:12.

4.) What's he saying here: Romans 6:14 and 7:5-6?

5.) Finally, Romans 3:20, 4:15, and 5:20. Discuss.

We will stay will Paul and the Law for a couple weeks, I look forward to seeing you all next week.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

We want those nones!

NPR had a pretty good series last week, found here: All week they highlighted the Pew Research Center's findings on the rise of the "nones." Find it here: .The nones make up a growing demographic in American life; they have no religious affiliation. Many times the nones, are not at all antagonistic about religion, though they are ambivalent. We want these people. But we should try something the church has never really tried before: friendship. Instead of trying to make these nones like us, why don't we listen to them? Instead of making fun of them for being "spiritual but not religious" why don't we trust that the Holy Spirit blows where it wills without us controlling it. Try reading John 3:8 and think about how God might be moving in these nones. Many are discouraged by the rise of the nones, but I see it as a tremendous opportunity for the Church, and I don't think that I am being blindly optimistic. Instead I see the rise of the nones as a important time for Christians to really be authentic, and to be authentic is to be vulnerable. Share your story, share your doubts, share your life with Christ, in all its colors. Invite a none to the funny little celebratory meal that we have on Sundays. Don't explain it all, as if you could. Invite a none, let the party wash over them. And then talk.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Bible, a Saint, and the Commander in Chief

I really love Cornel West. He might be a modern day prophet who can speak truth in love. WOuld love to discuss this with my parish sometime.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New home for class stuff

Go to our new website to access a new blog there that I will keep:

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Paul study for 1/11/13

We are going to look at grace this week. Here are some questions to get you started, I'll post some passages to read tomorrow.

1.) what is your definition of grace?
2.) what sense do you think Paul had of grace before his encounter with Jesus?
3.) what do you know of grace from the Hebrew Scriptures ?